
Do You Have Algae?
Oftentimes, it’s fairly easy to tell if you have algae in your pool water. You will be able to see green or yellow spores growing along the bottom and walls of your pool. In bad cases, the entire pool will appear green.
But, not all algae looks the same. Some may appear black or sandy in colour. If you’re having a hard time determining if what’s growing on the bottom of your pool is algae or not, the tell tale sign is that it will reappear again several hours after you vacuum it away.
Types of Algae
Algae could be introduced into your water from your surrounding environment, or it could appear because the chlorine levels in your pool have been consistently low.
There are several different types of algae that could appear in your pool:

Green Algae
Green algae is the most common type of algae that appears in swimming pools. It will typically start growing in small clumps around the bottom of your pool when chlorine levels get too low.
If this is not treated with algaecide and shock right away, it will grow to make the whole pool green.

Mustard Algae
Mustard algae looks like sand, and is one of the worst forms of algae you can get in your pool because it is chlorine resistant. To get rid of it, you will need to use the strongest form of algaecide—Eliminator—in conjunction with Super Shock.
Be sure to brush the walls and keep the chlorine levels up to kill the algae.

Black Algae
Black algae typically appears as small black dots along the bottom and walls of the pool. It’s an aggressive form of algae, which requires a lot of attention to kill it.
Like with mustard algae, you will need to use Eliminator and Super Shock to get rid of it. Brush the walls of your pool everyday and keep the chlorine levels up until it is gone.
Have Questions About Pool Chemistry?
We can help! Call our experts at Valley Pool & Spa for more information on beating algae. Our number is 250-860-2266.